Model | Design | Construct | Test | Deploy | Manage
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Current Version: 15.1 | Beta Version: 15.2
Make Your Vision a Reality



The perfect enterprise wide solution to visualise, analyse, model, test and maintain all of your systems, software, processes and architectures. Enterprise Architect is the ideal platform to help you to stay in control of your workspace, support your colleagues and team, enable collaboration and build confidence within your most complex projects.

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Slider
Unified Corporate Strategy
Share a Unified Corporate Strategy
Manage Workflows and Review Org Charts
Record ideas, manage workflows and review org charts
Design requirements, allocate resources and manage traceability
Manage software specifications
Manage software specifications using diagrams or text
Model how user interact with systems
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Model and design business processes
Simulate and evaluate business processes
Simulate and evaluate business processes
Model business organizations using ArchiMate
Prototype design for all devices
Prototype designs for mobile, web and console applications
Model device wirefames and requirements
Model devices, wireframes and elicit requirements
Manage projects using Kanban diagrams
Discover solutions gaps using a relationship matrix
Discover solution gaps using a relationship matrix
Create new logical and physical data models
Code generation, reverse engineering and scripting
Visual execution analysis
Profile and understand how code works
Profile and understand how code works
Create a software release roadmap
Create a software release roadmap
❮ ❯


BPMN in Enterprise Architect
uml with Enterprise Architect

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Robust team based modeling and design platform
Advanced modeling, design, simulation and frameworks


Sparx Systems provides 4 different editions of Enterprise Architect that are customized for differing usage scenarios. From the introductory Professional version, through the Corporate team based edition, richly provisioned Unified and finally the Ultimate edition, there is an Enterprise Architect edition that is right for your situation.

Use the links provided to explore the different goals and capabilities of each edition.


A single repository for business analysts, software architects, developers, project managers, testers, roll-out and support staff. A 'unified' view of a complex system having many view points and many possible sub-systems. Shared models can be accessed easily and securely by remote team members with Enterprise Architect's Pro Cloud Server.

Scale Up

Scale up Enterprise Architect





Enterprise Architect helps individuals, groups and large organizations model and manage complex information. By integrating and connecting a wide range of structural and behavioral information in visual form, you can build a coherent, verifiable model of what-is or what-will-be.

Tools built into Enterprise Architect that help you manage complexity include:

  • Diagrams for modeling strategic and business level concepts
  • Domain-specific profiles and reusable model patterns
  • Baseline and version management for tracking and integrating changes
  • Role-based security to help the right people contribute in the right way

Enterprise Architect: Manage complex information with Enterprise Architect
Conquering complexity in Enterprise Architect


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Open Standards

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Learn More: BPMN, SysML, TOGAF, 手机浏览国外网站的方法, Simulation


Track Tasks

Tracking, prioritizing and assigning tasks is a critical part of managing a model’s development over time. Track model tasks against individual resources and against the project as a whole. Task allocations can be viewed as a Gantt chart, allowing you to monitor progress visually.

Learn More: Project Management


Test and Debug

Develop and visualize software. Test and verify correct behavior. Simulate processes. Set and manage test points. Debug and inspect executing software. Advanced simulation, testing tools, team based repositories, version control and more.

Learn More: Visual Execution Analysis



Able to dynamically simulate behavior and state models. Confirm process design. Specify triggers, events, constraints and more. Watch the wheels turn! Specify complex and large structural systems. Create and debug embedded solutions. Build custom domain specific solutions. Build your own domain specific modeling tools!

Learn More: Model Simulation


Capture and trace formal requirements to design, build, deployment and beyond. Use impact analysis to trace proposed changes to original requirements. Build the right system.

Enterprise Architect's built-in requirements management features can be used to:

  • Define an organized, hierarchical requirements model
  • Trace the implementation of system requirements to model elements
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  • Perform impact analysis of proposed changes to requirements

Enterprise Architect:

Enterprise View
Speed of Reporting in Enterprise Architect


Load extremely large models in seconds

Fast! Enterprise Architect users agree - Enterprise Architect is a spectacularly fast performer, loading extremely large models in seconds. Featuring a high-performance model repository, Enterprise Architect easily accommodates large teams sharing the same view of the enterprise.

Collaborate effectively globally

With tightly integrated version control capabilities, and deployable cloud-based servers, Enterprise Architect also allows globally distributed teams to collaborate effectively on shared projects.


A wealth of specially crafted patterns and re-usable model structures across multiple modeling domains and languages will fast track your design work and help you deliver accurate and stunning models that leverage a strong and proven foundation.

Perspective based modeling reduces noise and simplifies the workspace

Turn down the noise and focus in on one modeling task at a time. Concentrate on Business Analysis or Strategy or Software Design or Systems engineering while pushing other technologies and tools into the background. An essential tool for staying "on track".

Enterprise Architect:
psudostate history
data flow patterns
constraint block parametric diagram
test model requirements
construct diagram pattern
sequence pattern

Enterprise Architect

Take the 30 Minute Tour

Open your Modeling to the World

Pro Cloud Server

Open your entire enterprise to your modeling efforts, enable stakeholders secure access for discussion and review - More

The latest release : Pro Cloud Server 4.2 beta - Learn More



Get started today.

Download the trial edition and find your modeling and design sweet spot!